About Us

Mariette flower

Mariette Ellen Dobrowolski

B.A., B. Ed., M.A., Ph.D. (student) Graduate Theological.
Recording Artist and Foundress of SandalSong Record Company
Foundress and Ministry Director at Sanctum Retreat and Foundation
Retreat Master, Chaplain, Educator


As a young women Mariette set out on a pilgrimage of faith, seeking to know God’s will for her. After spending a year in Quebec with the Franciscan sisters, she returned to Winnipeg to begin a teaching career and to discern a vocation with the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. It became clear during this time that she was indeed being called to serve, but not as a religious sister. She married, and went on to study theology, ethics, and counselling psychology.

After earning a Bachelor of Arts in English and Bachelor of Education from the University of Manitoba, and teaching for a time, Mariette received a full scholarship to complete a Masters Degree in Theology with a concentration in Systematics and Moral Theology from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota – including Jerusalem Studies in Israel.

Following several years of counselling and preaching in full-time retreat ministry at Mount St. Francis Retreat, Mariette turned her focus to the actual building and founding of a new spiritual retreat – Sanctum Retreat – for which she received an honorary Ph.D. While continuing in her role as Foundress and Ministry Director of Sanctum Retreat and Foundation (a registered charity), Mariette is also a part-time doctoral student in the Ph.D. in Pastoral Psychology program from the Graduate Theological Foundation.

With over 20 years of retreat ministry experience, Mariette has also served as a high school chaplain and currently teaches religion and english at Notre Dame in Calgary.

As a meditation composer and recording artist, Mariette continues to use her gifts to produce recordings for SandalSong designed to help one in spiritual growth – with over 50,000 sold.


Kristoph Franz Dobrowolski

B.A., B. Ed., M.A., Psy.D. (candidate) GTF affiliate of Oxford
Recording Artist and Founder of SandalSong Record Company
Founder and Executive Director at Sanctum Retreat and Foundation
Retreat Master, Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapist, Chaplain, Educator


Kristoph began his professional career as a recording artist and an actor. After a powerful spiritual awakening in Europe, Kristoph sold everything he had and went off to become a Franciscan brother. He entered the Franciscan Friars and spent a year in noviciate discerning if he was called to a life of priesthood and celibacy. It became clear during this time that he was indeed being called to serve, but not as a celibate. He married, and went on to study theology, philosophy, and counselling psychology.

After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Bachelor of Education from the University of Winnipeg, Kristoph received full scholarship to complete a Masters Degree in Theology with the concentration in Spirituality and Scripture from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota – including Jerusalem Studies in Israel. Following several years of counselling and Adult education in full-time retreat ministry at Mount St. Francis Retreat, Kristoph enrolled as a student in the Doctor of Ministry program for a few years at St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta, but instead of writing a dissertation on retreat ministry, he withdrew from the program to focus on the actual building and founding of a new spiritual retreat – Sanctum Retreat – for which he received an honorary Ph.D. While continuing in his role as Founder and Executive Director of Sanctum Retreat and Foundation (a registered charity), Kristoph is a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) candidate from the Graduate Theological Foundation – affiliate of Oxford (complete May 2016).

With over 20 years of clinical pastoral psychotherapy experience, Kristoph has also acted as Dean of Religion at St. Mary’s and Notre Dame in Calgary, as well as Director of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for the Diocese of Calgary.

As a composer and recording artist, Kristoph continues to use his musical gifts to produce recordings for SandalSong designed to help one in spiritual growth – with over 50,000 sold.